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By all logic, VR should be the future. But for each passing day I'm losing my confidence about its success because there are so damn few people who are excited about VR. And that must mean something. It must mean that the owners of VR aren't convincing enough about VR's attraction. And if they're not convincing enough it must mean the attraction just isn't there.

VR feels really like a niche product. Almost nobody of the gamers on VGC is excited for VR, and even I am less and less.

One year ago I was very excited but now I'm only mildly excited. The problem is not just the high price, but the lack of functional games. I see current VR as the kind of "kinda cool" experience you only spend 15 minutes on here and there until the novelty wears off and you put it on the dust bin.

That people compare PSVR to the freaking Kenict is already very worrying lol