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bunchanumbers said:
Miyamotoo said:

Power was matters back then, and people still bought Wii instead PS3/Xbox360 because is way more mass appealing. And what about DS and 3DS, DS was less powerful than PSP and 3DS is way less powerful than Vita and again destroying Vita and actually carries solid with smartphones.

Power is somewhat important only if basically you have same product like competition, like PS3/Xbox360 or PS4/XB1, they are identical products and that's why every difference is important for them, but if you have different product with different experience power isn't really so much matter, actualy power matters only to hard core gamers, and it seems that NX will again be difrent with with different experience and again aiming for mass market like Wii.

Hybrid console that is basically handheld and home console in one should have price point of $99-149!? Now you acting silly, just 3DS is curently around $150 and it still sells (if I am correct 3DS was best selling console in US in Avgust).

Come on. You know Wii sold because of the Blue Ocean strategy. It also sold because of its low price point and gimmick. Its what also crippled its future sales and its potential later in its life. Wii was a wasteland for its last 2 years. Wii U was a wasteland for its last 3 years.

Nintendo is gambling on a user base that doesn't game to buy their system. This means if their gimmick fails, we're looking at not only a weak console, we're looking at a weak console with another failed gimmick that will drive away core gamers even more than Wii U did. Instead of doing that, they should be focusing on gamers that they know buy games. Or at the very least, making their console strong enough that core gamers don't feel like they are getting ripped off by a Gen 9 console that is weaker than consoles that launched several years ago.

And the Hybrid is even worse than doing a console/handheld. You're putting all your eggs into one big potential basket of failure. At the very least if DS failed, they still had the GBA to fall back on. If GCN failed they still had GBA to fall back on. If Wii failed, they still had DS to fall back on. Proof of this way of surviving is shown this gen. Wii U was a failure, but they still had the 3DS to fall back on. What happens of NX fails? Game over.

The way it looks now, they got hardware that is several times weaker than current gen consoles. Not to mention even further behind than the hardware refreshes. This thing will most likely be more than 10 times weaker than Scorpio when it comes out 6 months after NX launches.

And what about the rumors of a 720p screen? Seriously? We're talking about 4K and HDR these days, and Nintendo is begrudgingly upgrading to a 720p screen.

Calm down, portable with 720p screen are fine, show me a smartphone with 1080p or 4k screen that can play game at max setting with battery last for 4 hours at least