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CGI-Quality said:
Azuren said:

This just in: PS5 confirmed to be running the equivalent of two Titan X's in SLI!


... No, but seriously, this is a bit of a bold statement to make when in ten years we might very well be looking at a PS5Pro. Who knows what it will be capable of?

I can tell you what it won't have in it. Nothing bold to it. The thing won't contain a Titan X level of GPU. 


Conina said:
Yeah, 10 years is a stretch. The PS4 Pro should be in the ballpark of a 3.5 year old GTX Titan.

The Titan is 4.4TF GPU, which while "in the same ballpark", is still a head of a console that launches nearly 4 years after it. And that's just talking floating point performance (much more goes into a GPU than that). The Titan X, well, lets just say it runs laps, does back flips over, and leg tosses the original GTX Titan into history. 

Thus, while nothing is impossible, I don't expect to see a Titan X (Pascal) equivalent in the PS5.

Think about it like this: What would happen if you took a PS4 back in time to 2003, ten years prior to its release? It would absolutely dominate everything, PCs included. 

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