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Forever SNES+PS1. Still the golden age before stupid shooters came and ruined it for everyone.


7th gen was horrible for me. PS3 launch was a failure, Wii introduced casual waggle shovelware and got people thinking Angry Birds quality shit is a video game, and 360 dominated with shooters and sports and built up the too cool for my goatee bro audience and shifted the whole gamer demographic.

End of 6th gen and start of 7th gen started the decline of the Japanese developers and the rise to dominance of shallow Hollywood action Billy Badass western games dominated by American developers.  This is probably the most painful. Konami, Capcom, Working Designs, Square, Rare, so many greats buckled under the Call of Duty disease that infected 7th gen because this new casual "mature" demographic demanded nothing but guns and explosions.

All the once great franchises like Mana, Breath of Fire, Suikoden, Wild Arms, etc that we had since SNES+PS1 just suddenly vanished for 7th gen.  What was left like Resident Evil and Final Fantasy fell victim to lowest common denominator Call of Duty players catering disease.

At least we got a few gems like Xenoblade Chronicles, Ni no Kuni, The Last of Us that could stand up to the story, emotion, music, and character attachment standards set in the mid 90s by SNES+PS1.