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Ariakon said:
V-r0cK said:
I knew the XB1S would sell well but I'll just wait for the actual numbers to come out for this time period.

989% sounds great, but trying to do the math and just seems somewhat off, or they're trying to spin this in a way that it sounds a lot better than it actually does since they're not giving any real numbers.

Can someone explain what "sales rise 989 per cent week-on-week" mean? Does that mean a total of 989 per cent increase from a span of like +2 weeks? Like 500% one week than 498% the next?

Ah just give me real numbers! xD

Nah, week-on-week just means that sales rose 989 percent from one week to the next, as in, from that Sunday to Saturday the Xbox sold almost ten times what it did the previous Sunday to Saturday timeframe. What we don't have, of course, is how much it sold that previous week. As you said, all we know is the boost, without having any baseline to play them against. Apparently the ps4 was down 66% this week compared to last year, but the week before it had outsold the Xbox One nearly 3 to 1 despite selling 22% less than it did this week, so the UK market itself is looking weaker than I realized. 

We can get the numbers if we have sales of XB1 last week or PS4 this week, last week or last year. One of those numbers would be enough for us to know the sales currently.