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The Revenant 7/10

Amazing looking movie. The landscapes look phenomenal and rival the nature shots in Samsara, 4k cameras have finally equaled 65mm film. The Arri Alexa 65 6K camera really delivers. (At least when viewed downsampled to blu-ray, have not seen the 4K version) The revenant is one of the best looking blu-rays I have and the higher quality source really stands out. Surround sound starts of strong too right from the beginning, best viewed on the big screen, very immersive experience.

The story, hmm, very simple. Felt more like a thread to show off the nature photography. I started checking how long the movie still was half an hour before the end, not a good sign. And according to the documentary it was an anti capitalism movie... It felt more like Gravity with a revenge bit tacked on. Very pretty anyway.