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ratchet426 said:
Trump proved yet again that he is a narcissistic moron - all bluster and bravado with zero substance and a complete lack of understanding of even the most basic foreign policy issues. He kept attacking Obama and Hillary over the "disasterous decision" of pulling troops out of Iraq and even saying what date we would do so, completely ignorant of the fact that the troop withdraw (and the date it needed to happen by) was part of the Status of Forces Agreement that GEORGE EFFIN"G BUSH signed while he was President. Obama was simply honoring the SoFA, but apparently that fact (like most others) are lost on the loudmouth idiot Trump.

People forget at this time that Obama was getting a lot of flak about the troops remaining in Iraq.  He actually pushed for our troops to remain but the Iraqi leader said no dice.  Interesting enough, Trump is shone on TV as stating we should pull out our troops.  Always the problem with Trump is that he never can keep up what he says from one moment to the next.  So he was in favor of going in, then he was in favor of us leaving once we did the job and of course he is not trying to pin everything on the existing administration even if he was in line with everything until the moment he decided to run for office.