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FragilE^ said:

Yes, it is absolutely that hard to believe.
You think 70k is anything more than coffee money for Katy Perry?

You can call it a conspiracy if you want to, I think that would be giving them too much credit though. I don't think most of these people give a shit. Its just the cool, hip thing to hate Drumpf and call him Hitler.

I'm not sure what your point is.  If 70K (the explanation that it was used to cover expenses seems reasonable)  isn't anything more than coffee money to her, then doesn't that mean she's most likely doing it because she legitimately supports Hillary?

Considering how easy it is to find people with strong opinions against Trump in the general population, I'm confused as to why you find it so hard to believe that there are celebrities who also strongly dislike him.

Drumpf? That's not a direct quote. Did you alter my text? ._. Drumpf is a decent name though.

I'm just saying that she'd go through the trouble, earning a "measly" 70k, despite being so rich already. "Robert Downey Jr made 50 million for the Avengers" this does not make him, or anyone else, unable to take money for work.

Of course, they might actually have a deep, passionate hatred for Trump. But none of them are out there trying to make a difference, unless in these instances where they're given a script, a production crew, a fancy camera, a fancy studio and a couple of editors to wrap it all up. In other words, IMO, this was an obvious paid ad.