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Soundwave said:
StarDoor said:

Cultural Marxism is not the same thing as liberalization. In fact, the ultimate goal of Cultural Marxism would destroy any sort of liberal values you support.

One of the key tenets held by the modern Left is multiculturalism, which asserts that no culture is objectively better than any other, and that is is immoral to prefer one culture over another. Global inequality is the reason why Westerners are told that they have a duty to allow millions of immigrants into their countries in the name of diversity and justice, but then they are simultaneously told that Western culture is no better than any other culture and that it would be racist to ask immigrants to assimilate into society by learning the language and following Western customs. Liberalism is included in these Western customs; logic, reason, science, and tolerance of other ideas are very Western virtues. You don't see any non-Westernized countries advocating the rights of women, LGBT, minorities, etc.

But Cultural Marxists believe that there is no difference between cultures, no difference between sexes, and no difference between races, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. They've taken over debate in Western countries, and now anyone expressing such ideas is publicly ostracized. It's not rational in any sense; these accusations of racism and sexism are attempts to shut down critical analysis and debate.

Traditional liberals in the United States support the Democratic party and mass immigration, but they don't realize that their liberal goals are incompatible with such a diverse society. As a community becomes more multiracial and multicultural, social trust among the population erodes. Without social trust, support for welfare programs erodes, especially when people believe (correctly, in many cases,) that people of some races are benefitting far more from these policies than people of other races. And the majority of these recent immigrants come from countries with very 'conservative' social values: Muslims are generally even more anti-gay than white Christians. You won't get a tolerant, equal society like this; instead, you'll have a self-segregated, unequal mess with frequent riots and significant social unrest, which is exactly what we're witnessing today.

Personally, I think Western civilization has created the most functional and progressive societies in human history, greatly advancing science, liberty, and human wellbeing. I don't want to see all of it undone.

Firstly, I do think people have to learn to live together. That is a liberal idea. Locking yourself in your country and saying 6/7 of the world's population has to live in poverty is morally reprehensible. 

We have a responsibility to allow a reasonable flow of immigration. Beyond that, it's needed in the first place, the only reason America is able to lead is because they import half their PhDs from India and China, otherwise it's a pretty stupid country (of developed countries, America almost always puts up mediocre eductional rankings compared to other developed countries). 

By and large MOST people are able to co-exist. Yes they are different, but even most Muslims in the West are not raving fanatics, they're just regular people. Have a conversation with one. They're not the boogeyman they're painted out to be. 

Yes, there are always going to be issues, but before the West pats itself on the back too hard for "progressive" liberal ideals like gay rights and minority rights, 20-30 years ago many in the West felt the same as the average Muslim does today. Progress takes time, it isn't done overnight. 

We cannot hide behind borders forever, the world is changed, we have access to technology and eductation and information and are tied together with a global system of capital no matter what. If this existed for humans 500 years ago, the way countries are made up would be vastly different. 

And honestly I simply don't fear some kind of "Islamist" state in the West, no one (including most Muslims here) want to live like an 18th century goat herder. 

Hyper-religiousism (if you want to call it that) will always fail in a modern society. 

Yes sure for that particular religion perhaps more thoughtful integration policies are required, but thoughtful is the operative word there. 

This post is a huge insult to the Western man, and you conveniently ignored my post about concrete issues.

"We cannot hide behind borders forever" takes the price. When young whites/etnical kids in both the USA and Sweden respectably have become minorities beause of decades of immigration you have the nerve to accuse us of "locking ourself in" our country lol.

You claim we have a "responsibility" to allow a reasonable flow. Responsibility for what exactly? To help those who flee from war and persecution? To also let in all the poor?

The goal is to take in as many foreigners as possible because the truth is that the very purpose in itself is to humiliate the white man and make him a minority in his own home.

And how much is a "reasonable flow"? Apparently our current flow is not reasonable enough for you. The left will never be satisfied. Now we're at the point where's it's simply "We're already multicultural and it's too late to change that, just learn to deal with it lol"

That's a nasty and deliberate tactic they've used from the very beginning.

To call America stupid country is another insult and factually ridiculous.

You always say these bad things only about Western nations, never anything negative about foreigners. It stinks. It's with this type of lenient attitude we get these horrendous consequences where the authorities are lecturing to the crime-victim about the perpetrators trauma with racism and being vulnerable