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The Fury said:
First, who?

Much of why gaming magazines and gaming TV programmes are on the way out is because you can get all your gaming news and information as soon as you want it, when you want it, on the interwebs. You don't have to wait around and many youtubers who create good work aren't doing the crappy news stuff but more themes and interesting content or their opinions. Maybe this will succeed but who knows, I doubt it, many youtubers are more concerned with their egos and making money than actual content.

Something like this has way more potential than you are giving ir credit for and right off the top of my head i can think of a number of reasons/ways this would be a running success.

  • yes you can get your info when you want it but all this show needs to do to gather a following is give access to behind closed doors information of games. 
  • have a weekly rotation of well known and respected people to talk about certain gaming stuff with proper well informed stories and takes on what's already out there. 
  • give developers an opportunity to effectively control and manage game reveals with something a lot better than just a trailer or having everyone wait till some big show to see playthroughs of their games.
  • exclusive world reveals or trailers.
  • a medium for devs/pubs to convey information about issues gamers may have with certain products, directly and not just some press release....
the things got potential.