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The Fury said:
First, who?

Much of why gaming magazines and gaming TV programmes are on the way out is because you can get all your gaming news and information as soon as you want it, when you want it, on the interwebs. You don't have to wait around and many youtubers who create good work aren't doing the crappy news stuff but more themes and interesting content or their opinions. Maybe this will succeed but who knows, I doubt it, many youtubers are more concerned with their egos and making money than actual content.

I think thats why it will concentrate more on exclusive first looks(exclusive being the key here) and discussion about gaming topics.In another words, it will be more about the 'show' than the content itself, thus giving it a chance to succeed.But it will depend if it is free or paid, the live show.If it is paid, I have a hard time seeing this as a successful venture.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.