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I suppose this has about 10 vanilla maps and 4 for each DLC just like the Battlefield games?

I just realized that these games ship with a whopping 9-10 maps at release. I think that's amazing. With the DLCs coming out so soon after I usually don't even have time to learn all the maps properly, so I'm super happy with the amount of maps.

I can't wait for Battlefield WW1, I just can't wait. The beta was so unbelievable.

I tried to go back and play Battlefield 4 the other day as a substitute, but I just hated it! I'm not a graphics freak but it just looked not visually pleasing anymore after having experience the almost photorealistic Battlefield WW1, and also the gunplay and general feel is inferior to the nepiniw Battelfield, so I couldn't continue playing it. Almost shocking how bad it felt. It just strengthened my ímpression that Battlefield WW1 is the best Battlefield ever. Almost revolutionary.

Therefore I'm tempted to buy Star Wars Battlefront to hold me out because I loved the feel of the Battelfront beta and obviously it's amazing visually.

But I don't know, to spend over 30 Euros for less than a months play. I'm so cheap lol