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Machiavellian said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Well its a great thing we didn't occupy, because things are great now. I get what you're saying though, but its evident things aren't gonna get better there until the threat is annihilated and Obama did not encrouage that. But I hope people have learned you can't just ignore evil.

Well illegal Mexicans do make up a vast majority of crime commited by illegal aliens. Mexico is our neighbor and its clearly a country with a lot of problems. Nobody is suggesting a wall for Canada for obvious reasons. People will interpret the Trump Mexicans speech to what fits the narrative they want. Democrats want us all to believe it was a racist speech, but the real intent of that speech was to be tougher on criminal illegals which are mostly from Mexico. Had he said it differently there wouldn't be a discussion, it was the biggest blunder Trump has made in his campaign.

People say Bush lied, but wasn't there a lot of intelligence saying Iraq had WMDs? Either way, I'm of a small minority that seems to think the world is better with Saddam dead. I just wish more was done to bring sanity to the middle east, because ignoring it and hoping things get better was never an option.

For ISSIS, there would be no ISSIS if we did not go to war with Iraq.  ISSIS is the product of US intervention and it lead to all of Saddam’s Troops going to Al Quada and creating ISSIS.  Also US going to war with Iraq because they had WMD and posed a threat to US was never confirmed at least not based on real intent.  Some reports stated we went to war because our favorite country in that Region, Israel wanted us to invade to take out Saddam because he was getting to big for his britches.  Crazy enough, US help put him in power then we take him out not because he is a bad person because he pissed off our big ally in that area.  My thing about Obama not taking the troops out and leaving an occupation force is that even if he did this he would be critiziced to no end.  It would have balloned our debt big time which we were already over 3 trillion just think about full occupation and a offensive in the area would have cost.  Republicans would have called it the Obama war and who is to say that ISSIS would not be even bigger because US decided to occupy the region going against our agreement and fueling even more resentment.  I highly doubt either action would have stopped ISSIS, because we would had to go full offensive in the region since ISSIS spread away from just Iraq into other countries would have prompted us to invade them as well.

Saddam himself was a product of US policy, namely the Reagan Doctrine. The Reagan Administration decided that they could not allow Khomeini to win the Iran-Iraq War, and Saddam was generously supplied with conventional and chemical weapons by the US, Russia, West Germany, France, and China. The US didn't care about Saddam using WMDs when they were being used against Iranians and Kurds.