The 100 7/10
It's kinda dumb in a lot of places yet it kept me watching 2 episodes a day. The pacing is good which makes up for all the nonsense. The 3rd season was more like 2 seasons jammed back to back, fast enough to get past all the why/how/ugh stuff. The last episode had me laughing out loud though, so contrived and unbelievable it ventured into parody. Whatever, it was a fun ride and I'll definitely try season 4 when it comes to Netflix.
I wonder what's next, we already had Water world, Game of thrones, Bioshock, and the murderous AI / Matrix trying to take over the world.
Mockingjay part 1 6.5/10
Kinda predictably moving along, not as nice to look without the bright colors of the previous movies. Great sound design however. Best part, relaxing during the end titles with the music cranked up. That's where a home theater beats the cinema, no people hurrying out while enjoying the music.
Mockinjay part 2 6.5/10
It wraps up the story and isn't bad, but it didn't really grab me with too much sign posting ruining any chance at surprise. At times I felt like I was watching video game cutscenes. Perhaps it was intentional to make it look so gamey, yet everything looked fake, a city of badly strung together set pieces.
Anyway it was entertaining to see the rest of the story.
Dark Matter season 2 5/10
Started off decent with some good episodes, ends with a big cliffhanger unfortunately after already losing my interest 3 episodes earlier. Hopefully season 2 of the expanse will be better.