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Ok, I REALLY had to take my time with this and compile a PROPER list that truly sums it up for me. So, I thought to myself, if I could only choose 5 songs to describe the epic and beautiful nature of FF or 5 tracks I would have to take with me to a desert island, then these would be it:


1 | The Landing - Final Fantasy VIII

"For me, one of the greatest moments in FF history is when I saw Squall looking out onto the battlefield with the buildup of the music thumping until it finally 'crashes' onto the beach and sends goosebumps down my spine like there is no tomorrow. #1 for me always comes down to 'did the music create the chills?' And The Landing is the epitome of that for me! I will NEVER forget this powerful moment!"


2 | Love Grows - Final Fantasy VIII

"All I have to say about this dramatic and gorgeous track is that, well, it's simply the most romantic piece of music I have ever heard from any game. To be honest, it's possibly the most emotional and romantic melody I have EVER heard. Period. And for that reason, it's on this list. No matter what version, in eyes on me or in piano, it creates softens my heart completely."


3 | To Zanarkand - Final Fantasy X

"No question the greatest track from FFX! And the greatest ending for me in FFX history largely helped by this theme in full orchestrated glory! The music is incredibly emotive, touching and without a doubt one of the most powerful melodies Uematsu has ever created."


4 | Aerith's Theme - Final Fantasy VII

"A truly iconic moment from a video game that pretty much made me a FF fan for life. It was the game that introduced me to this marvellous series and without a doubt, this is the greatest moment from the game for me. The music made a powerful moment even moreso and of course, my body was just filled with the shivers."


5 | One Winged Angel - Final Fantasy VII

Sinister. Grand. Powerful. Moving. Haunting. So many emotions with this one and worse, you gotta strategize and battle it out while listening to what is perhaps the greatest battle music ever created. And for this reason alone it deserves to be recognized as a FF staple. When I first made it to this final battle all I heard were the first few beats and I was freaking out. What's happening here??? I was simply amazed with everything that soon unfolded."