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Nowadays the edge between modern consoles and PC is minimal. Now you can connect your rig to tv or avr-tv setup, and play conveniently in your living room sitting or lying on sofa with any controller (steam or xbox controller or using k&m controls if convenient in your situation and position etc). Since 96 I always had powerful enough rigs to play PC games, but in 2008 I bought 40inch TV and decided to try modern console. And I was amazed how good and fun console gaming was. Pretty good graphics, convenient controller, coop-gaming etc. So after 360 I bought PS3 and Uncharted2 and was shocked with that masterpiece. So I stopped playing PC on my monitor sitting on chair. I fully switched to console gaming in my living room. X360, PS3, 3DS, PS4 etc. This year I built my new rig. Fifth in 20 years, bought long enough cables: hdmi and ethernet and hided it under floor moulding. So now my PC is near my couch and now I can easily operate it looking to my TV and listening from my multichannel spk system, playing every game on Ultra setting with 60+fps. So I compared for myself some graphics and overall gameplay performance for several games. The Witcher 3, GTA5, Fallout 4, Far Cry 4. The difference was significant except maybe for Fallout 4. And now I can continue to play racing games with my G27 setup. Now Im a bit sad about consoles.
So pc is far superior than consoles now and if the money isnt a problem then buy or build a pc now.
I dont know what to think about PS4 Pro now. Im a bit disappointed with console gaming now.