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So I was reading some info on the Trump Foundation and I wonder if people have paid attention to some of the things that have been exposed. So we know about the low ball 20K bribe for the Florida AG to drop the Trump University case but there is some other stuff I thought was very interesting and it has to do with Trump and charities. So there is one report where Trump stated he gave a million dollars to a veteran group. Trump received a lot of attention when he made this statement but someone actually decided to find what group received the money and it was found it was none. Then you have the other incidents where Trump used other donors to the Foundation money to fund some charities but claimed the money came from himself. Its stuff like this that I wonder if any Trump supporter is really looking at or do they believe the information is false or do they believe that Hillary is so bad that the bar has been set so low that they are non issues compared to her or voting any other candidate.