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The biggest sign that Trump is a trouble maker is that he gave Nigel Farage stage time and applauded him.

Nigel Farage is the essentially the British Trump. He dislikes foreigners, he dislikes Muslims, he has stereotypical views about different cultures and faiths and wants his country to completely isolated from the rest of the world.

The only people in history that have had views about their race, culture being superior to others have been the ones to start:

- Slavery
- Genocide
- Apartheid

Foreigners don't take jobs, they do the jobs others won't do. There is nothing stopping anyone getting the jobs the foreigners get.

Prohibiting terrorism by stopping Muslims coming in? Will you switch off the Internet? Will you stop government funded programs that have led to terrorists being created?

You think that by empowering a racist / supremacist ideology into people, it will bode well for current and feature generations?

Additionally, the man is a politician first and a Christian way further down the line.

Either way, you Americans are as screwed as it's brits. At least you get to pick between an egotistical hairy orange and the wicked witch.

We were given no choice but to have the wicked witch who has already put her plan in motion to replace the human rights act for a snooper act allowing the government to create detailed profiles on everyone which they will then sell onto various organisations.