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Swordmasterman said:
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

Yeah. But manufacturing cost will be around $500 imo.

Oh! I did'nt reply to OT yet.

Why would a company take loss on a product that is intended for the "high end user". This don't make sense for me. If they are willing to take a loss, this means that the Scorpio is a next gen Xbox instead of an upgraded version of the Xbox One.

Because selling consoles was never about profits. The profits are made from software sales and Subscribers. Most consoles are sold at a loss. MS and Sony plan to make that back in fees etc.

The more people who own your hardware the more chance you got in selling software and gaining subscibers. Thats where the real money is. Nintendo are the only ones that normally sell there consoles at a profit, however thats due to the fact they dont have online fees and there hardware is normally weaker to reduce production costs.