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Beja-Beja said:
an 8.7 is a really good score but was the camera really so bad that a port of the previous installment outscroed it..... kinda embarassing. Anywho the game is still killer and should be a blast to play if I ever get around to it.

p.s. Itagaki is a cocky self indulgent pervert , his face can be read like brail and i hear whenever he says something nice he actually kills a kitten.

Ah come on man. I'll be the first to admit he overhyped his game, and he definately unfairly insults a lot of people based on their game design, but there's no need to insult the man's physical appearance, lol. You don't see him saying, "DMC4 is derivitive and the person who made it must be fat," do you?

Bah, doesn't matter.


Anyway, again, the first game scored so well because it reinvented the genre. The sequel, unsurprisingly doesn't reinvent the genre, but plays off the first game to continue the action in a satisfying way. There's nothing to be embaraassed about for not reinventing a genre with every game you make, unless your Miyamoto, in which case you're so good, you should be embarassed for making non-genre defining games, because the only excuse for it is you got lazy. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.