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I think the word "compete" is a bit misconstrued here. It's not about converting PC gamers to console gamers. It's not like there is anyone actually deciding between console and PC and if someone is actually in the position of deciding, the performance will not be the first or most important factor in that decision.

What Sony is doing here is not competing against PC but competing for the attention of PC gamers. For a PC player the drawbacks of a console are clear and for them performance is a big one. PS4 Pro is not made to make them switch to console completely but to entice them to at least try it out and be able to have a console experience that is a lot closer to PC than the OG PS4 is. It's basically a step towards them so they have a chance to experience the great console exclusives without the expensive and exhausting eye cancer treatments afterwards.

That's why the PS4 Pro was a good idea and why it will succeed and will be more enticing to PC players than the OG PS4 ever was.

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