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Captain_Yuri said:
Slimebeast said:

Just look at the PC gamers on our site. Almost nobody owns a GTX 1070 or GTX 1080! Because they are damn expensive and don't offer enough performance for all that money.

You can dream about one and even boast about PC being superior on forums, but if you don't actually own a 1070 or 1080, your PC will not be much faster than a PS4 Pro. Most people who own a PS4 won't upgrade to a $1200 PC, but instead buy a cheaper PC.

Lol wut. PC gamers on our site, the actual ones are either planning to get one or are waiting for the next itteration because of how Nvidia released everything which suggests the 10 series is going to be a short cycle. Oh and not to mention that vgc is a very console favored site so getting stats from vgc is flawed as hell consdering how many PC hate threads we have had in the past. And how do they not offer enough performance? They blow away the PS4Pro without breaking a sweat. And the 1070 costs as much as a ps4Pro and old CPUs like the i5 2500K is more than capable of beating the cpu inside the PS4Pro.

Exactly. That and the only time PC data is talked about is when it's pitted against a console or when someone wants to pull data that isn't completely accurate or concrete from Steam Spy (even the creator tells you it;s not entirely accurate).

My £800 build technically beats a pro, especially when it comes to sporting more RAM, better CPU, SSD and HDD along with a better GPU in general.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"