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fatslob-:O said:

Really ? You don't seriously expect me to buy your devil's advocate, do you know ? So your telling me he doesn't have the right to keep a tight lid on what he does in the bathroom, sex life, his beliefs or other very personal matters ? 

Machiavellian said:

No he does not have the right to keep a tight lid on any dealings he does present or in the past.  Yes, his sex life, his beliefs and other personal matters actually do play a role in who the people vote for president.  If you have something to hide then its best to get it out there and out of the way before hand.  I believe the President office should be held to a very high standard and I also hold the people going for the job to that high standard.  Do we always get that person, no but I am definitely not going to let them get a pass free card just because they decide something bit of disclosure is not in their best interest. 

fatslob-:O said:

Cherry pick much with confirmation bias ? FWIW, I'm also interested in seeing Trump's tax returns but your making it out to be a bigger deal than it needs to be when it's not the end all or be all in terms of transparency ... 

Machiavellian said:

No, Trump is making his tax returns a bigger deal then it should.  He could have released them at any time and he has gone on record and said he would way before he started the Audit excuse.  Even with the Audit excuse he could release the years that are not audit but he will not do that as well.  By making excuses when you can do something shows that you are hiding something.  The fact that releasing his tax returns is not in his best interest is the real reason why he will not release them which is the bigger problem.

Machiavellian said:

No whistleblower need to call out Trump when you can do any simple internet search and get a body of information on Trump.  Hell there is videos from the 80s about his business practices, shortchanging contractors, bankruptcy and ligations, you name it.  Just recently we find out he paid an official in Florida to make his Trump Institute lawsuit go away, including how he did the same thing in Texas.  We find out he charges 4 times the rent in his Building for his staff now that he is getting GOP money to pay the bills.  If those are just dismissible issues to you I guess you really do not care who Trump is as long as the illusion that  he will be better than his old self is there.

fatslob-:O said:

Again with the cherry pick's even though donations were in talks before she decided to axe the case ... 

How exactly is him price gouging the VERY property that he owns relevant to your argument ? 

Machiavellian said:

Come on, are you really going to try to use that link as proof this was not quid pro quo.  Are you going to act like this isn't how paid to play is done because then you are just trying to put your finger in your ears and defend this type of actions.  Trump himself said he does this type of action which is quoted within the article.  Actually, I think you posted that link just because of the headline because reading the whole thing does not in any way make Trump look good or even show that this was not quid pro quo.  Hell, it even brings up the similar situation in Texas.

 If anything this was the perfect time for him to say this is what I am trying to clean up but instead he went the excuse route again.

As for Trump raising the prices for his rent using GOP money shows greed.  Trump says he raised the rent because of more space, but he cut his staff not long ago and only have 172 employees. Lets break this down.  He is using constitutes money to pad his coffers instead of using that money to put in a ground game in battle states or using it for ads or using it to pay for more staff or anything that shows he is not trying to get all the money he can from his bid for president.  He has charged money to most of his business interest and hiked the prices for those events as well.

Lets think about this, instead of hiking up the price, he should be reducing the price so he has more money to battle Clinton, produce more ground game in battle states, more air time for ads including other forms of media like streaming, hire more staff and fill out his positions.  Instead it looks like and very much is him trying to get as much cash in his pockets as possible.  Its even more damaging when he says he is paying 10 million on air time but only spent 4 million.  Little low rent scams like this is why people should be thinking what will happen if he gets to be president.

fatslob-:O said:

 It looks like I failed to make myself clear but what I'm asking is do you SERIOUSLY believe that any random man's personal life secrets is more important to the public than the actions held by officials who make up the federal government ? 

I really do wonder which candidate you support if your truly independent when you don't dare give Clinton the same coverage as Trump when it comes to conspiracy theories ... 

Machiavellian said:

Trump isn't any random man, he is going for POTUS.  If he was just a random man no one would care about his taxes or anything else.  I know I did not care about Trump preriod until he decided to go for POTUS.  Since Trump decided to go for the highest office in the US he will be deciding actions held by officials and the federal government.  So I still do not get where you are going with this line of though.

As for who I am voting for, I would have voted for John Kasich if he got the republican bid.  The thing is I was looking more at the republican party this year then any other year but instead Trump got the bid and all went to hell.  I have looked over Hillary record and see no real change and pretty much a do and say mentality just like Trump.  So I started to look at Jim Stein and Gary Johnson.  Gary could get my vote but I need to get more info on him.  Right now I have not made a decision but one decision I have made is that under no circumstances will I vote for Trump.