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Going to be hard to catch up for the 800K it is going to be behind in Japan.

We have to look at the GC one as dead, it won't give any more sales.

The Wii one does in America sell almost as much weekly as it did from week 20-30. It is averaging 10-15K/week, and tracks around 40-60th place on the chart. It could see 500K more just this year, leaving it 170K ahead of OoT.

In others it is also tracking in 10K/week, but it is seeing a slow decline. Here too it tracks around 50-70th place. It could sell 300K more here, leaving it 200K ahead of OoT.

In Japan it is close to dead, selling less than 1K copies/week. Should be able to take in 30K more LT leaving it 800K behind OoT.

So after this year, it should be around 330K behind OoT, something it could be able to make in '09, but if it doesn't make it then, there's little chance it will, as the new Zelda will take away much of the zip.

So I say it could make it, but that it is far from certain. I hope it makes it :)

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS