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My theory on One Piece - So the way I see it it SEEMS as if Luffy is having a hard time against one of the crew from Big Moms. And I thought about something not sure if anyone else here has but I do not think Gear 4th is his final or most powerful form/move. If you notice in the flashbacks Raleigh was still on the Island when Luffy developed Gear 4th. So that means he developed in in the first half of his training time because Raleigh left before his training was over and even told him that he needed to come up with something other than Gear 4th because of how it taxes his body. Also when Luffy fought Don Flamingo he was already battle worn and torn so he would not have been able to use his full power anyway. So I think that he still has something up his sleeve I also think he is holding back kind of like he did when he fought Don Chinjao in the colosseum. SO while I do not think he will clash with Big Mom just yet I also think he hasn't shown his full strength yet and still has to "awaken" to get on a Yonkou level. But we shall see how this pans out!

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23