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What's with these damn things? I'm so pissed off. Just yesterday another one of these bastards broke.

It was a gaming headset that is supposed to be good quality, a Qpad QH-90, for 110 Euros and I've only had it for four months and all of a sudden the right ear has no sound.

It's always the same thing. One side stops working but when I wiggle the cable it starts working again, for a little while... after a while I have to wiggle longer and longer until I get sound and after a few days of constant wiggling and trying to find the right spot it just doesn't work no matter how much I try.

My last headset before the Qpad was a Siberia Steelseries v3 for 80 Euros and it broke after a little over a year. Before that I bought cheap ones for 25-30 Euros and they lasted typically two years if I remember correctly. But I want better sound quality. So because my last headsets were so expensive I have tried to fix them myself.

I looked up guides on YouTube and found the spot where I think the problem is. Very often the spot where the highest chance of getting the sound back by wiggling is just before the cable enters the speaker cup, so I open it there. And the cable was a bit teared at that spot, but when I put the cables together I still didn't get any sound.

I don't get it, why doesn't it work even after I have fixed the goddam cable?

What should I do now? Are there any good quality gaming headsets where the cables don't break?

What's your experience with headsets?