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WagnerPaiva said:
Fei-Hung said:

That would be fine in most cases as you get what the developer said your money will pay for on release. E.g.


Dynasty warriors will say it will have:


- 20+ characters 

- Hub building 

- Over 100 weapons 

- Mp 

- deep loot system 


Etc etc


The problem here is a list of features was presented to be in game and many haven't made the cut. 


If they had all the above and the game was bad i wouldn't mind. If they were transparent about what they will give, when the rest will come and what you will have to pay for, i wouldn't mind. An example of this is Drive Club:


- Base game was weak and had issues 

- Developers gave a clear road map of what they will give for free and what will be part of dlc 

- Developers clearly stated what fixes they are working on 


Additionally, the game was actually cheaper at launch on psn compared to NMS which is shocking considering the quality of the two games. 

Well brother, since the announcement I thought it was a indie game, and when they launched I said "screw this, I will not pay 220 bucks in this stinker (in brazilian money, it is around 60 dollars here).

I would pay 10 dollars or so, no more than that.

Sometimes I buy stinkers as I said, in a leap of faith, a lottery like thing. Like 7 days to Die, I bought it because it had splitscreen multiplayer and the girl I am dating loves horror stuff.

Well, in the end she hated the game, we spent the last night playing Fifa and Lego Avengers, which she loves.

The thing is: expect nothing from video games, they are just silly toys, not religion.

If they are fun, great. If they stink, I do not care, it is just meaningless time spending anyways. It is not like we are feeding the homeless or curing cancer, we are just pressing buttons.

Video games are and mean different things to different people. For some, $60 isn't a big investment for others it is. For some it's just the principle. 


For me it's a matter of principle. If I got what I paid for, even if it was shit I wouldn't mind. I had no problems sucking it up with my full price launch day purchase of Destiny and The Order. This time however, I paid for something and I only got half of it. The rest I'm not sure I'll ever get.