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mZuzek said:
That's funny. Dark Souls is the only Souls game I've ever played. DS2 had just been released and on the back of the massive hype train, I got a chance to play the first DS, so I tried it out to see what the hype was all about.

I played it for maybe 2 or 3 hours and absolutely loathed it. Never went back to this franchise again.

Everything about the game was just frustrating. It wasn't a challenging/rewarding game, it was just a frustrating and unfair mess. The world is ugly and confusing as hell, too. I remember getting to a place where I had to choose between two paths, one of them looked like the main path whereas the other one looked kinda like a sidequest-ish one - so I take the side one to see what it's all about and great, I'm dead because there's a stupid monster I'm clearly not yet ready to fight.

I don't like trial and error. I think it's stupid. But if well designed, even I can think it is passable. However, Dark Souls is not well designed for that purpose, because whenever you die, it punishes you EXTREMELY HARD by making you go back levels, lose a shitload of gear, going back to the last bonfire and whatnot (yeah sure you can recover your stuff, if you don't die on the way there because you're frustrated).

Eventually, I reached a bridge with a dragon on the other side, and died just as I stepped on it (the brdige, not the dragon lol). I thought that was stupid enough and stopped playing, but the next day I decided to give the game one more chance. I managed to go through the bridge carefully enough, and ended up going into some weird-ass sewers, only to be suddenly attacked by a rat-like monster, find out I'm poisoned and can't do anything about it except watch my character slowly die for a few minutes. And that was that. After that happened, I just gave up and quit playing that game.

Soulsborne is only trial by error if you're not paying attention. It's also held as one of the fairest games of recent years. And finally, I don't believe you really knew what you were doing at all, given your belief that you lose hear and levels (Souls are not levels, nor gear; they can, however, be used to purchase levels and gear).


If these games were trial and error, I would have died a lot more than I did in Dark Souls III. Instead, I knew not to trust any help the game offered to me, and entered every area slowly and cautiously. Devil May Cry this is not, and there are consequences for overconfidence. 

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