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Neodegenerate said:
My level 26 account just got smacked with a banhammer. I left work to go hit some stops and a gym about a mile down the road. On the way back my GPS was lost and then reconnected when I got back to work. So, according to the game it seems like I teleported. Didn't think bans happened that quickly, but who knows. Maybe some whiny bastard reported me for having a strong Snorlax on a gym. Guess I will have to wait a few days/weeks/whatever for Niantic to get back to me.

They don't, bans happen on accounts which spoof GPS or bot, also there is no reporting function within the game for what Pokemon or trainers at Gyms, I found this out while seeing if there was a way to report a trainer called "adamfuckedyourmom" but there wasn't.

The Niantic reasoning behind the banned accounts is clear "Pokémon Go developer Niantic Labs is now issuing permanent bans to players whose accounts "show clear signs of cheating," the company said in a blog post last night." It isn't a ban because your GPS didn't track for a few minutes realistically.

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