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Miyamotoo said:
curl-6 said:

"Hybrid" is not a special selling point in 2017. Everything today is a hybrid. Your phone is also a computer, a calendar, a watch, a gaming device, and a camera.

You could connect a freaking PSP to the television.

Pretending its this red hot new innovation is absurd.

Again you started to ignoring thing that are already written, we talking about console gaming specifically not about, you don't have hybrid console available on market, PS3/XBO360, Wii U, 3DS, Vita, PS4/XB1, none of them are hybrid, there just handhelds or just home consoles.

Again, from information we have its a hybrid that can be use on go or like home console, we have handheld and "base unit", we also have detachable controllers. So again, it not just handheld that you can connect to TV.

Like wrote, Basically unified platform, handheld and home console in one, that exactly what Nintendo wanted to do, and thats prety good concept, something competion dont have.

Pls, read what is already earlier wroten.

Being able to play portable games in higher res on a TV or with a detachable controller is not some Wiimote-level system selling feature though. It's a good move on Nintendo's part to unify their software library for a better stream of first party content, but let's be realistic, this is not going to redefine gaming as we know it or repeat the glory days of the Wii/DS. It's a neat idea, but its nothing revolutionary.