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Hiku said:
Fei-Hung said:
Played it a bit more. Still very annoying with the constant crashing due to the software beta.

I'm doing what i do in souls games where I keep leveling up before I move on. I'm still in the beginning section near the shrine killing and leveling up. I've managed to get a double katana now and some decent new gear. Waiting to unlock the ninjitsu skill.

I'm finding some of the enemies a lot more tougher considering its early parts of the game. They are very quick and even though you block the first move, you may not be able to block the second or third.

The red swords in the ground, ate they npcs or other players?!

Is there a level cap for the demo?

My advice is to focus mostly on Ki early on. Increasing Ki, learning skills that reduce Ki usage, equipping gear that increase Ki or lowers Ki usage (for a specific stance).
But keep in mind that certains stats are required to equip gear, so spread them out enough for that.
Some people miss this, but in order to use your living weapon you must press Triangle + O when your living weapon gauge is full.
But as an alternative to this, you can use magic scrolls that imbue your weapon with an element. I chose water because most of the enemies in the first stage seem to be fire element. The good thing about those scrolls is that they replenish on shrines, as long as you've learned the skill and equipped it. (There's a separate menu in the shrines fror that.)

One change between the Alpha and Beta is that you can no longer stun yourself. In the Alpha, if you performed an action (attack or dodge) while very low on Ki, you would put yourself in a stunned state. This time around that's not the case, and seems like it has to be induced by an interaction with an enemy.
So in other words, in the Beta you can now do a last ditch dodge or attack without getting dizzy.

The red swords on the ground are A.I. versions of other players who have died in that spot. If you beat them, they will drop something they are wearing. I just killed a lvl 30 A.I. character, and it dropped 3 or 4 purple items.

I don't know what the lvl cap is. I'm lvl 17 or 27, I forget.

I'm level 5 I think. I would have played more but I got annoyed with the crashes. Going to play more of it today. I switched to medium stance and found it a lot better than high stance. Not sure still how I feel about dual katanas. 


I'm going to try venture out further today and my aim is to get to level 12. I struggled in the beginning, but now I know what to expect from the first few enemies and I easily pulverise them, although i still struggle with some of the red sword a.i's.