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Yeah, Valve's work is mind blowing to most shooter fans, and both Half-Life and Half-Life 2 have aged really well compared to any other games I can think of. To this day, Half-Life (the first one) remains a very playable and fun game, a true rarity among decade old shooters. The only other games in the same genre or subgenre would be Deus Ex (which is not fully a decade old though) and the Thief games.
As developers and programmers, I think there's no other I respect more than Valve on almost all points.
The only bad thing (if it really is) is Valve's relatively long development windows, the Episodes were kinda close, but main installments seem far inbetween.
Then again, Blizzard are much the same in this regard, and both companies are notoriusly known for polishing and shaping their games to true masterpieces (except Orange Box on PS3, which was EA's blunder at any rate).
If I have to wait long for a good game, so be it. I'd rather get one masterpiece every three years or so than three our four halfassed knock-off's in the same timeframe (Need for Speed springs to mind...).
Lol, judging by waiting time alone, Starcraft 2 should be beyond epic (and it will be)!