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curl-6 said:
Hynad said:

Why do you dislike Wind Waker?

I didn't really like the sailing or the art style, I felt the dungeons didn't live up to the high standard I expect from the series, and the Triforce shard fetch quest felt like such a maddening grind that I ended up just giving up.


Goodnightmoon said:

Every Nintendo gen has a superb masterpiece that Curl dislikes with no rational reason conceiveble, just as the 4º gen was Super Metroid, the 6th gen is Wind Waker. What can we do? We like him anyways.

That's cos I'm just too adorable and sexy to dislike. ;)

Those could definitely be considered flaws based on your general preferences as a gamer.  Personally, I never got far in WW but loved WWHD cause it streamlined a lot of those issues.

However, I think that for all the similarities, BotW seems to avoid many of those weaknesses.  The sheer number of Shrines and other landmarks we can see now looks to mitigate the emptiness, enemy camps look to be more frequent than the enemies in WW, etc.  Dungeon design, we'll have to wait and see but the big Shrines look pretty sweet so far so I think we could be in for some great dungeons.  So I think BotW will dodge most of those flaws.

Also, for bonus points on that last part of your post, you should have changed your avatar to something decidedly not adorable.  Like Mehrunes Dagon.  Or Zanza.  Or Trump.