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Kerotan said:

Oh yeah I was thinking ps4 version because that's what I get which you can trade in if you go retail. Not sure about steam but you can but your games on the American psn and save a nice bit of money thanks to exchange rates.  


BTW I'm not talking about the deluxe version which is just a money spinner. I'm talking standard game + premium.  for regular battlefield players like myself it's insane value for my money.  


But mate,  you're line of thinking is wrong.  You're not missing out on content you deserve by buying the standard game.  That's a legitimate full priced package right there.  The dlc is developed after and you have no devine right to it. Most games that give it for free like GTA or rainbow 6 have microtransactions.  

It's like me expecting to get the uncharted 4 dlc for free because I paid full price for the standard package.  Lol come on mate that's just not realistic. 

The game is only on Origin and sold in Euros so I lose out on the exchange anyway. BUying on Amazon still has them asking for the same price.

Regular standard BF isn't really what I call insane value for money. To me it;s the abse game, the set standard and nothing more, to ask £52 of me is insane for a base game and then asking another £40 for maps, that's nowhere enar amazing value for my money, if I were to pay for that amount I'd expect the game to be up and running for 10+ years and provide me with an insane amount of maps to play around with, I'm talking 30+ maps for the £90 price. 

I don't think my line of thinking is really wrong since it's my own eprception of product value, I don't see it as being worth £80/80+ in it's entirety since it's MP based content that doesn't last anywhere as long as a game like WoW and other games like TF2 have, with TF2 I paid for it, the game eventually went F2P and the maps still carried on being dished out for free, that alone kept me going back to it over the years.

I'm not saying I deserve that DLC, but at the same time I'm efinitely not paying £40+ for it either, I'd rather wait till it's discounted (like you said yourself for other games that others argue are worth full price like you are saying here) and then grab it.

It's like me asking you to pay what I pay for everything in my life, you wouldn't agree at all and I can easily understand why because your perception of value and mine are entirely different, that's just how we work as humans, we aren't the same and our perceptions of value are always going to be different with no golden rule to obey and abide by. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"