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Titanfall 2 sucks!

What the fucking fuck. Respawn done went MW2 on us.

Three modes are available right now, I'll go into detail:

Pilot Hunter - The no bots, no Titans mode. How good is it? Who knows, LOL. Always literally 0 people in that playlist for me.
Bounty Hunter - A decent twist on Attrition. Maps suck, Titans suck.
Amped Hardpoint - Imagine Domination from CoD, only you can secure each flag twice for extra point ticks. Maps suck, Titans suck.


The best thing about the original TF was the pilot movement. You were only limited by your own skill/imagination. They slowed this game way down. Time to kill is near CoD levels. It seems Respawn is fully embracing the "CoD with mechs" shit that was laughably said about the original, and are running with it. I guess EA wanted their CoD and they got it. I don't know if I want to be angry or just sad :(

Everything is so dumbed down, even Titans. No more customizing your own layout. Now every Titan is a unique class and you really don't get to customize shit. And the two they picked for the beta could not be any more different. One has a regular pew pew gun that will melt pilots. The other is a thermite, kind of area denial type defensive Titan who can lay down thermite and ignite gas to force people out of areas.

I am holding out hope that better modes and maps are coming in the final game because holy fucking shit, this is almost as jarring a drop as I saw from SOCOM II to SOCOM 3.

Anyone else playing? I saw some saying it's up on the Xbone store. Idk if thats accurate. Either way everyone can play tomorrow.