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binary solo said:
Slarvax said:

If you look at what Splatoon had to offer at launch (one multiplayer mode and short singleplayer campaign), ignoring everything else, it sure could have been a 10/10. But it doesnt work that way. Splatoon sucked at launch.

Whether or not you think the 5/5 review for NMS is credible, this argument does not apply here. The DD review of NMS is reviewing the game on current content, not on content that's yet to come. That's not the case with your example of Splatoon becoming 10-worthy after more content was released. And in any case, Splatoon got at least one 10/10 and many 9+ scores in its original form. 

I see it this way: both games had missing content and features on launch, one added them later on, the other could be getting them at some point. We dont know right now. But the matter is both games are flawed; they both (clearly) offered desired gameplay, which many people wanted but the developers failed to deliver something. Quality? Quantity? Polish? I dont know, but many people dislike NMS. And I know Splatoon would receiver the same hate if it was in its launch state throughout its life.

I completely disagree with those perfect or +9 scores Splatoon received back then, heck even nowadays. Not a fan of having to update my game for content, and Splatoon did it like 3 times a month...

Anyway, what this review offers, according to OP, is to judge a game for what it is. And it is missing features. I mean, imagine you buy a burger, and it comes without meat. Is it still good, if we judge it based on it missing a main feature of a burger? Or McDonald's says that when I eat this burger it will have x y and z, but it doesnt? 

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988