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Erm, ok I didn't see that one before!

I went to a blue system last night, B6 star. Dunno if it's really different, there was some new rare resource on one of the planets. No clue if it has any purpose.

First planet had some pretty canyons and lots of arches

On the second I finally got my first fauna set complete. All 8 species appeared!

The best way to hunt them is to jetpack glide over the terrain at speed with the scanner out. While walking it slows you down to a crawl yet while flying you can get a good look while moving. Look for white dots in the distance, they'll disolve one or twice as you get closer and the lod updates. When you get close enough they'll turn green or red. Sometimes their stuck underground which means you have to find a cave. Birds are easily spotted by their shadows, they'll show up eventually.

However all that still didn't help me on the last planet in that system

Pretty barren, should be easy to spot animals right... Found 3 species in caves, 1 bird species, rest on land, yet 3 out of 14 remain elusive after an hour of searching, 90% of the time looking through the scanner.

I can confirm that you can walk around the planet. It was a small moon and where I started that planet was sunk 15% below the horizon, where I saved for the night it was 15% above the horizon. I could also see the space station from this moon and another planet further away. So maybe it's true it's not all a skybox. What I think happens is that the planets, space station etc don't move or rotate, but that the space skybox with the sun painted on rotates around everything. That explains the standard day/night cycle and the lack of celestial movements apart from the sun. It's as if you're in a giant static snow globe that rotates every 15 minutes.