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Chazore said:
Azuren said:

What they were trying to achieve was a space exploration game with a little bit of action and 18,000,000,000,000,000+ planets. They accomplished this, but people are getting butthurt because it won't run on their PC. 

What's wrong with people voicing complaints and issues with the game not running properly on the rigs they paid good money for?, why does that always have to equal to being butthurt?. If it runs on PS4 it should run on most decent rigs. I've seen people with 980's and even 1080's that couldn't get it to run well at all, that wasn't any of their fault, that was on the devs themselves, nothing butthurt about that at all.

I'm not saying people don't have a right to be upset that it released without proper optimization, but leaving a negative review based on something the company is communicating that it is working overnight to fix is just childish.


zero129 said:
Azuren said:

What they were trying to achieve was a space exploration game with a little bit of action and 18,000,000,000,000,000+ planets. They accomplished this, but people are getting butthurt because it won't run on their PC. 

People are not getting butt hurt cos it wont run on their PC (Otherwise why is PS4 fans complaining?). People are upset since they where made lots of promises that turned out to be lies. Does this make no mans sky a bad game?. No, but its also not a great game. Its not even a great survival game since it doesnt have much content. Sure it has billions of planets but when your doing the same thing on each of them with not much more content it gets pretty boring. In fact here have a read of this

Can they fix it? sure with updates and adding in the things they said would be in it and pretty much adding more content. However right now the game is not worth the 60 euros they are asking for it since the is much better survival games out for much less such as Emprion, Ark, Rust etc games that has lots of content plus a cheap price.

Imo this game should of launched in early access right now with a price of 30 euros and then rise the price as more content is added.

Instead of that it looks like they gave you the bare game with lots of promised stuff stripped not much content just so they can sell you the rest at a later time as Expensions/DLC. If they add online/Base bulding/More content under an expension and charge of it they should be a shamed of themselfs...

So because ships are homogenized, planets have less physics, and no real importance on faction? Those are really the reasons why PC reviews for NMS are alarmingly negative?


Because I'm pretty sure it's performance issues. Those things are superfluous to what NMS has been about since the beginning: exploring a huge universe, one so massive that the odds of finding someone is slim to none. 

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