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We need to start doing this more because VGC is becoming a shit hole. This blind hate mentality needs to stop and it's something that hasn't just began with NMS. If you only plan on posting because you just like hating it or come here with a aggressive and shit manner, don't bother commenting at all. We don't want this ending up in a mess of a thread like the others.

So I'm playing NMS and loving it and couldn't really put my finger why all the hate and claims of lies. The forum is awash with negative threads and posts but the vast majority of people posting the hate are hating on it because they enjoying spreading the hate not because they want to bring anything meaningful to these forums. This type of blind hate threads/posts with no substance wasn't getting to the bottom of anything or creating a place to discuss it, just fanning the flames. My aim of this thread is to discuss what was shown and promised to the final product in a civil manner and we need to report anybody that doesn't comply.

After asking a few times, somebody finally linked me (thank captain_yuri) to a list of stuff missing and damn is a big list. What I want to talk about is the stuff on this list, possibility on them being patched and how it's effected your game and how it would improve the game if it was there. You can talk about individual stuff or about the list as a whole.

To note: I don't think Sean lied, some people like to take this stance on him but I think what he promised he intended to have in the game. Budget and/or time probably ran out and some of what he missed out can be patched. Similar to Peter Molyneux he ended up overpromising but thought it was possible to do in 4 years, even with his small team.

Here's the list;

Misc. Space Gameplay and Elements

Feature/Element Source(s) Relevant Quote/Comment
Landing on Asteroids 1 "Yeah, at the moment you can land on asteroids."
Destroying Space Stations And Fleets 1 2 "Maybe you take out a space station, or a fleet, or you know, something like that..."
Giant Fleets of Ships 1 2 3 These are examples much larger fleets than found in the game.
Large Freighters Actually Moving 1 An example of a freighter flying around, as opposed to just sitting there as a static object.
Scanning Planets From Orbit Edit:: This is indeed in the game. Leaving it here for posterity. 1 "I can do a scan."

NPCs and NPC Interactions

Feature/Element Source(s) Relevant Quote/Comment
Faction Affiliations w/ Significance 1 "Different races have different attributes [...] and depending on how I'm playing, I might want to kinda make an allegiance with one or [an]other"
Trade Ships Docking w/ Freighters 1 I'm yet to see this actually happen in-game.
Large-Scale, Joinable Space Battles Between Factions. 1 "Like here, we're at the battle between two warring factions. I could join in, I could take sides."
NPC Ships Launching From The Ground 1 Shows an NPC ship lauching from something other than a dock, implying they can land anywhere.
In-Atmosphere Freighters w/ Battling 1 2 Freighters traveling through a planet's atmosphere, also being attacked.

Planets, Stars, and the Cosmos

Feature/Element Source(s) Relevant Quote/Comment
Ringed Planets 1 "Yeah, we haven't shown that yet, but yeah. if it's in sci-fi and sci-fi book covers, we kinda need to do it."
Sand Planets Edited from "Desert planets" to clarify 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sand planets were shown right up until a few months ago. They do not seem to be in the game, for as common as they are in the trailers.
Planets Rotating and Orbiting Around a Sun 1 2 3 4 See below.
The Technical Possibility of Flying Between Star Systems Manually 1 GI: "Could you potentially fly to new solar systems?" SM: "Yes, but nobody's actually done it yet..."

Ships and Flight

Feature/Element Source(s) Relevant Quote/Comment
Actual Ship Classes And Differentiation 1 2 3 Hard to pull a quote here that represents the full bredth of this one.
Naming Ships 1 "Ships are actually a discovery just like everything else, and you can name your discoveries"
More Natural Flight Characteristics 1 Ship flying more like a ship than in the actual game

Trade, Resources and Crafting

Feature/Element Source(s) Relevant Quote/Comment
Resources Depending On Distance From Sun, Environmental Factors 1 2 3 4 "You'll learn planets that are further from the sun have certain types of resources, planets that are closer have certain types of resources, or planets that have certain environments."
The Ability To Play The Game Solely As A Trade or Solely in Space 1 2 3 "But you can also [...] just not gather resources. Perhaps you're the type of person who just never wants to do that because it seems a bit laborious, or you just don't like visiting planets and you just want to play a space game, so you can do that if you want, just going from space station to space station..."
Crafting That Has Complexity 1 "When we release the game, we're not telling people 'here are all the formulas,' we're just letting players loose, and a little bit like minecraft people can figure out those rules themselves..."
Find Elements By Checking Galactic Map 1 "If you're searching for an element, a great tool there is the galactic map. The first thing that's incredibly helpful [is] if someone has been to that system before, in visiting it, they'll discover it, and then if they choose to, they will upload that information, and now anyone who goes to that system [...] is going to know more about that systm"


Feature/Element Source(s) Relevant Quote/Comment
Animals and Plants That Eat Meat -- THIS SEEMS TO BE IN 1 2 GI - "Do the animals eat each other? SM - "Yeah, they do."
Bugs I'VE SEEN THE PICS, DEFINITELY IN THE GAME 1 2 Butterflies flying around. Doesn't seem like a big thing on its own, but it's something that adds life to an environment.
Large Creatures Affecting the Landscape 1 2 Creatures having an effect on their environment.
Creatures Doing Things They Don't Do in the Game 1 2 The first is flying eels flying low, the second is large creatures seemingly bathing in water.

Planetary Surface Features

Feature/Element Source(s) Relevant Quote/Comment
Rivers 1 2 2 4 Link 4 contains gameplay with a river.
Large Structures 1 2 3 4 Larger structures than are currently in the game.
Crashed Freighters 1 A freighter crashed on the surface of a planet, surrounded by sentinels.
Structures With Moving Parts 1 2 Some portals seem to have had the same spinning metal ring as the Space Anomoly ship.
Portals 1 The structures have been found, but not activated.


Feature/Element Source(s) Relevant Quote/Comment
Sentinels in Large Packs 1 Gameplay showing sentinels in larger numbers than found in the game.
Maintaining Wanted Level Indoors 1 Footage of a wanted level not being cleared by entering a structure.
Ambient Walker Sentinels 1 Walker sentinel just out in the environment, and awakening in front of the player.


Foo Bar text
Being Able To See and Play With Other Players 1 There are more examples of Sean talking about it, including one soon after the linked bit, but people have focused on this one, so we've all seen it by now.
Beacons Marking Points of Interest With Waypoints 1 A beacon marking points of interest across a wide area.
Useful Marking with Binoculars 1 Binoculars actually useful for marking buildings and such.
Hacking Reinforced Doors 1 "Well normally what you would do is you would hack it, that would be the best way."
Radio Chatter 1 2 Radio chatter from inside your starship.
Translucent Glass On Starships 1 Glass windshield on starship rather than just black paint.