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I have the same problem on the planet I'm doing the extreme survival challenge on. Can't find the 12th species anywhere and I've been walking around for 27 Sols already, frequently checking for any red dots in the scanner. I'm upto a 20 slot multi tool now, however since you only get half the mats back while cleaning out the old one I can't upgrade it fully yet. No Chrysonite nor Iridium on this planet.

This is one hostile planet, 215 sentinels killed and this happens when one gets stuck and you can't find it. I thought I was momentarily save yet I the wanted level went up to 5 blocks and a little surprise spawned right next to me.

I managed to take it down (it hits hard!) yet got overwhelmed with backup appearing. I fled with the backpack boost down the mountain (best part of the game, strike then boost) but the wanted level would not come down. After 5 minutes the game suddenly dropped to 10fps, running in slow motion. I had to reload the game to fix it which unfortunately wiped the markers I was heading for :/

Luckily there's plenty to keep me busy on this planet, I'm still learning more Vy'keen, over 200 words now.
I should really name this place after spending all this time on one planet. I haven't named any yet, too lazy.

After a rocky start this game is taking over my life, 3:30 am, go to bed.