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I am not even sure where people are coming up with this AMD stuff except wishful thinking "cuz Sony n Microsoft done it."

The NX isn't going to be like a Sony or Microsoft console, Nintendo has already confirmed that it's going to be something different, and something that isn't competing for power against PS or XB platforms. We also know that Nintendo unified their handheld and TV box hardware teams into one, so we can expect the learnings of both teams to be applied.

It can be deduced that Nintendo would develop some sort of hybrid console, we already did that on this site. The best fit for such a console is the Tegra chipset. AMD would be inferior.

Eurogamer is the top source of reliable information on the industry. They have resources and sources with developers to acquire information about upcoming platforms, such as the NX. They have confirmed from their own sources that indeed the Dev kits are using the Nvidia Tegra X1. This is exactly in line with what we could all deduce from the information Nintendo has given about the next platform.

There is absolutely no reason to think the plans are for anything else at this time. The only justification I am hearing is "Nintendo is known to lie, AND Eurogamer can't be trusted! While what I am saying is not fact, it is my opinion." In other words, people are being ridiculous with their arguments that AMD and not Nvidia are providing the chipset.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.