naruball said:
I'm simply arguing against the principle of talking about percentages with nothing to back it up. I also think you're underestimating how well informed the average potential console owner is. Thanks to the internet even people who don't game at all have heard a thing or two about Neo. Last time a female friend (who has never onwed a console in her life) asked me what I did in the weekend and I told her I played a ps4 game, she asked me if I was buying a Neo this Christmas. Then a friend who only plays Fifa on PC and hasn't game on a console since the ps2 days told me that he was thinking of buying a ps4, but wasn't sure if he should wait for Neo. I believe that things have changed thanks to how much people are bombarded with info on all kind of sites, and even facebook. As for xbox. You can honestly say whatever you want. I don't care for console wars. But saying for example "xb1 sales would have been 30% higher if it weren't for Scorpio having been announced" is just wrong. You simply don't know that and there's no point bringing percentages into a discussion if you have nothing to back them up. |
Ur right bringing percentages into the convo is dumb when there is no info to back them up. Probably shouldn't have but someone saying ' ps4 sales would be way higher if not for the neo rumors' is also equally wrong without data to back that up. That's what I was responding to, but I should have just expressed my opinion and asked someone to not express theirs as a fact. I should have done that instead of doing exactly what that person was doing and pulling something out of thin air.
Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)
halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)
x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.