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I haven't seen the Ridiculous 6. I did see The Do Over a few days ago. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great. The reviews are defiantly off. It was dumb brainless fun, it had a few funny movements. Not as many as I expected. But the bottom line was that I was entertained and I had fun. That's what the audience wants. A movie can be very well done and highly critically acclaimed. But if it doesn't entertain the masses. That doesn't mean jack shit. The reason people still watch his Movies is because people are entertained. Which is not something a critic is trained to grade.

Audience review score > Critic review score

That is all that matters to people who make films. The former determines the success of the film. The latter determines quality and is a pat on the back. Both push a movies success through exposer and word of mouth. The former won't score you any Oscars or a Golden Globe xD