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BenKenobi88 said:
Well a beta is definitely possible...TF2's beta was what, 2 weeks before the Orange Box release? We may be playing L4D on Halloween yet.

And heck, they might even finish earlier than November.

But this is Valve...

So it might also finish next June. What would rock is if the 360 version was holding them back, they could just release the PC version on time and delay the 360 version...but I suppose that would piss off a lot of people...meh.

They are definitely thinking of a demo for L4D, but it's up in the air of whether or not they will launch it before or after the game releases.

Shack: Will there be a demo as well?

Doug Lombardi: I think so, I think so. Whether or not there will be a demo before or after is something we're still talking about. You know, most of the time we've done them afterwards, so we'll see where it falls.