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It's funny because with the latest gen, there actually are a lot of games that have technical issues like pop-in, texture loading problems, not to mention lag in online games because of the limited online system.

Sitting on a couch and playing on an HDTV is nice, but again, that's not impossible with a PC...most people just don't feel like moving their PC.

And my PC has the best sound system in the doesn't have the wattage of a home theater system, but the quality is unmatched in my house anyway.

The point here is, consoles can be nice for a group to gather around and play on a bigscreen. But if you're playing alone (and let's face it we all play online games plenty of times, it doesn't make you anti-social), nothing beats a good PC setup. My monitor is a higher resolution than any HDTV, my surround sound rocks, my chair is uber comfortable...basically the whole environment is built for me, and playing a console on a TV never feels quite as good.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )