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@Mifely: Viral marketing?
I didn't quite follow you all the way through, first you say that this console generation broke Moores law, then you say that it's bad that 360 has multiple processors, but good when PS3 has.
When you are making your precious Cell to have more performance, you basically have 3 options to do it:
1. Increase the number of processors.
2. Increase the number of transistors on the dice.
3. Have it running on higher clockcycles.
As great as you think the Cell is, it's just a processor just like every processor before it. Whether you call it Cell or PPC doesn't have anything to do with its heat production.
If you add the number of processors, it's going to generate extra heat, just because it needs extra space, which causes more resistance per conductor and adds more latency. And the same goes for adding extra transistors. So, what to do? We slow down the clockspeed to prevent the extra heat (there goes the BC), or make smaller dices, so that we can fit more transistors and/or more prosessors for the same space, so that the heat production decreases and latencies doesn't come an issue.
Just because someone decided to do a super-sized DSP, doesn't mean it's immune to laws of the physics. Same arguments that you had against 360 goes for PS3 too.

@Squiliam: Saying that the Cell in PS3 is bad, isn't actually correct, when you take into consideration, that it was supposed to handle multiple tasks simultanously, into which it's nearly perfect.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.