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I saw Suicide Squad last night, and I would say it is a solid 7/10.

The villain is poorly written, rushed in, and has a really unsatisfying, almost nonsense conclusion. They tried almost too hard to make the "heroes" into good guys and would just periodically shove in something lightly bad and have a character be like "but we still aren't good guys hue hue hue". Most of the characters, basically everyone except Harley and Deadshot, are barely developed.

The Joker & Harley relationship was also a little too prominent as a subplot, yet so poorly developed. The Joker was portrayed as a crazy but love sick puppy who couldn't figure out how to laugh. It barely reflected the completely broken nature of the Joker/Harley relationship, where she cares too much and he just uses her for his own ends, abusing her emotional attachment. It doesn't help that even as far as different portrayals and interpretations go, Leto Joker was lacking in a lot of ways.

All the negative aside, the movie was ultimately fun to watch. The action was neat, the soundtrack was great, and the humor was for the most part pretty decent. I'm probably being generous giving Suicide Squad a 7/10, but in the end it seems fair enough. I would definitely expect an extended edition that will fill in the gaps in the plot.