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Ppl understand that shutting down a site that simply averages review scores won't change the review scores themselves right ?


I saw the movie, its quite bad, the script is a mess, characters, aside from Harley and Deadshot, have 0 development and some of them are completly useless like Killer Croc and Captain Boomerang. The vilain is pathetic, it manages to be worse than Malekith on Thor the Dark World, it is almost as bad as Doctor Doom from Fantastic 4. O and the action scenes are just bad, theres nothing memorable there, slow motion is way overused (theres a segement that goes for what felt like 30 seconds in slowmo, I was like OK can you just let the movie play in normal speed already plz), the editing is choppy and the enemys they are fighting are, for the most part, super forgetable. The reviewers were simply being honest, this is a bad movie, it sucks I realy wanted it to be good...