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LurkerJ said:

I disagree, I am certainly happier with my premium iPhone than I was with my premium Samsung.

We aren't talking about individual user happiness here. We are talking about the technical merits of a platform...  But I will bite.

For every person who is happy with their iOS device, there are probably 10 others on Android due to how much larger the Android ecosystem is, it's a simple numbers game. ;)

LurkerJ said:
99% of Android phones released with SD 810 had embarrassing issues with heating up and throttling, were buyers getting good value for their money? Not to mention, they were getting a much inferior GPU, but let's not mention those facts.

You assume that every Android device used the Snap Dragon 810 chip.

And yes, it was a poor chip, I can give criticism where criticism is actually due.

LurkerJ said:

Let's pretend that only iPhone users get the shortest end of the stick in every scenario and there is nothing superior about the iPhone experience.

I have provided praise for iOS devices in multiple aspects where they are indeed superior to it's competitors, perhaps you are blowing this out of proportion?

LurkerJ said:

Who are these people? Fanboys on the internet? 

Millions of people in the real world were holding off buying an iPhone, until they got iPhones with bigger screens. Talk is cheap, voting with money matters.

Just look at this graph and keep in mind that iPhone 6 was released in late 2014.

and guess what? I am one of those millions.

and seriously, this argument is silly, bringing up "people on the internet" to make a point? lol

People also said Touch ID is a gimmick, look we are now. But I am above bringing up those silly people to make a point.

My evidence is a little more ancedotal.

And we both know that the best selling device isn't necessarily always the best.

LurkerJ said:

Ok. So every reviewer on the internet is kidding themselves and the iPhone screen is terrible compared to other flagships.

I really don't care about the numbers you are throwing because I know them, and acknowledged them, and they don't mean much in the real world to a lot of people.

So now that I have proven that their screens are inferior on a technical basis, you just brush it away? Sure. Alright... haha

Android Screens in High-end Devices are simply superior and often not just in regards to resolution either, often they have better blacks, whites, higher gamut, higher brightness, better colour. etc'.
And that means you do get a better screen than what just the resolution implies.

LurkerJ said:

Galaxy Zoom and Lumia 1020 were designed for that purpose, a purpose that doesn't seem enticing to consumers, both phones are discontinued and got no "sequels"

I am comparing the iPhone to the other top selling premium phones. Not some discontinued niche products, and yes, that includes Sony Xperia phones. The iphone camera has been among the best since the iPhone 4s.

Even the other flagships made by the same companies that made those niche products couldn't compete with their own camera-focused line up, were they being cheap and their users were not getting good value for their money then? Hardly. 

You know better than bringing megapixles into the discussion, but I think you realized you were wrong so you are just throwing names and numbers.

The fact still remains (And for the love of God, stop shifting the damn goal post) that the iPhone's camera is inferior relative to the competition, regardless of how much they sold.
That fact doesn't change whether the Lumia 1020 only sold 1 phone or a billion.

And I do know that there are more to Camera's than sheer megapixels, such as aperture size, various features like image stabilization... You name it.

But if you can name an iPhone which had the *best* camera on the market bar-none, after the Lumia 1020's release, I will drop this point of argument.

LurkerJ said:

Browser tabs refreshing is a problem I ran into with my first iPhone, iPhone 6, no denying that. It wasn't a big issue to me and it's certainly not something I run into now with my 6s. So I'll give you this one

It can still occur on the 6s, but with 2Gb it's going to be far more rare untill iOS and Apps get more demanding or you simply run more, 2016 was better late then never for Apple to finally do such a vital upgrade, huh?

Oppo is on the right track with 6Gb or more.

LurkerJ said:

Lol. Everything you brought up and held it against the iPhone was because you wanted your device to behave in a certain way, and now you are telling me I am not getting good value for my money. I, on the other hand, was just trying to bring balance to the discussion. And giving examples on how Android users got the shorter end of the stick with the CPU, GPU, not having touch ID for a good long while, non-existent long term software support. I will never tell them "you are not getting good value for your money" because non of that may matter to them.

iPhone does have an impressive SoC.

Apple was also NOT the first phone to have a Fingerprint Scanner with it's Touch ID branded tech.
The Motorola Atrix released in 2011 beat Apple by several years.

I also had a laptop powered by the Pentium M over a decade ago with a "Touch ID" like fingerprint scanner, it's not a new technology by any stretch.
I will concede that Apple was the first company to make a decent implementation with mass market appeal.

I also touched upon iOS having superior updates and software support, not sure why you brought that up? You are only agreeing with me.

From a hardware perspective though, the fact remains you get more value for money with Android devices, bigger screens, larger battery's, better screens, various hardware features like touch-screen pens, optical camera zoom, replaceable batteries, MicroSD, USB, Dual-SIM and more.

Lastly... For the love of God, please use quotes properly, it will make replying easier.

Soundwave said:
To be honest the screen resolution stuff is overblown too ... the iPhone 6S with 1080P on a 5.5 inch screen is a ton of freaking pixels per inch for a display that small. Yes the Galaxy and some Android phones have 1440P, but it's not as if the iPhone display isn't gorgeous still and the iPhone 7 will likely have a resolution bump too, the Galaxy is on a upgrade cycle curve that is usually 6-8 months ahead of new iPhone models because they need that extra time ahead of Apple.

There is more to the Androids having superior screens than just the resolution though.
Better Blacks, Whites, Colour, Brightness, Contrast, Response time, Gamut... Android typically beats the iPhone in more than just the sheer resolution numbers game...

The great thing with Android is that it also essentially competes with itself, meaning that manufacturers will constantly try to "One up" each other in the hardware stakes, the downside to this of course is also hardware fragmentation that software developers need to be mindful of.

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