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It isn't set in stone, that's for sure. I grew up in rural Canada, where it is very common for 3 generations of a family to live and farm the same land. I was close to many families who lived on the same block of property as their parents/grandparents did, and expected to inherit the land and do the same in the future. This isn't the same for every farming family however, and it is different for urban kids. Some live with their parents as they pull through Uni if they decide to go to post-secondary within the same city. Others move away and dorm it or find housemates.

I moved out when I was 17 (Baseball calling), but I had intended to live at home for one more year to work my butt off and save money. I had been working 2 jobs every day while finishing HS (and that summer) to save up money to support myself (I paid my own Baseball fees and living expenses, bought my own car etc. I was able to do this because I saved money working while living at home). I also work year-round while in Uni while I try to avoid Student Loans by any means possible. I reallllly want to exit Uni debt free if I can help it.

North America is very much about the individual becoming independent and successful on their own. In education, in career, in finances, in romance etc: society expects us to make it on our own. That's nearly impossible though. I rely on financial support from my family for tuition, and I completely understand why many choose to live at home while they study. Society expects us to do a lot on our own, and we only have so much time and money.

My opinion on living at home hinges around how productive you are being, and the circumstances surrounding. If you sit on your ass all day doing nothing to help out yourself or your family then you damn well should be embarrassed. If you work your butt off to support your family with chores, and at least attempt to find a job to pad your wallet, then I wouldn't put an age limit on your time at home. However, due to the Western paradigm of individual success, society will judge you once you graduate high school.

#1 Amb-ass-ador